Friday, April 27, 2012

BIG little

That's right everybody, one of the best nights to be an Alpha Xi Delta is Big Little night, and this one was awesome! The older girls got to watch our new recruits fallow the clues to their new bigs, and I know everyone is ecstatic to have some new additions to their families.

First up, let's see some photos of our new little birds walking around and looking for clues!

Speaking of birds, Emily Miner spent the evening hunting down her flamingo clues. That's a lot of pink.

 Amanda Nielson was sporting some awesome rabit ears and rockin necklaces as she went on the hunt for her big. 

Jenna Clancy was walking around in these crazy mustache sunglasses.

Next up, some photos of our new members with their new families!!!

 There are a lot of DUCKIES! New to the duck family are Heather, Sydney, Jenna, Alanna F, and    Chelsea M!

 Here are the lovely FISHES. Their two new amazing additions are Ashley and Emily Miner.

 Finally, the White TEDDY BEAR family! The new cuddly members here are Amanda N and Alanna B.

The Night was super fun for everyone. We are so happy for our new members, their bigs, and their families.

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